Everyday wellness Habits
Forget replacing habits!
Upgrading your habits will create lifelong success.
Upgrading your habits will create lifelong success.
Sleep friendly tips
1. Cool is in... The optimal temperature range for rest according to most sleep experts is somewhere in the range of 60 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. The darker the room the better the sleep. For deep & restorative sleep:
3. Banish the television and any electronics It’s not just the TV stealing your sleep at night; your laptop, tablet, phone and other electronics (especially those with bright LED lights) Incorporate less stimulating activities like reading, a bath or light stretching, which are more conducive to rest. Leave devices out your reach when in bed, and leave phones on silent if possible. Several “do not disturb” apps for iOS and Android can block out unimportant notifications while you sleep, only letting through emergency messages from approved contacts. 4. Comfort is key The Better Sleep Council says mattresses should be replaced after 5 to 7 years, and Consumer Reports says replace whenever the bed is no longer comfortable. Your pillows are vital to a comfortable nights sleep and should be replaced more often than your mattress, Find out what you need to do beyond the bedroom for wellness join our NPW 5 Day Wellness Challenge click here for details |